Author Engine : Add/Edit/Delete Categories and Sub Categories

This feature is used to enter various categories (topics) and sub categories (sub topics) covered in exam. Each question entered in database must belong to one category (topic) and a sub category (optional) under main category.

For example : For a Maths question database author may add "Pure Mathematics" as a category under which "Algebra", "Calculus", "Geometry" etc are added as sub categories. So when a question is insterted in the database author can select the category and specific sub category under which the question is to be added.

Adding catgories/sub categories help authors to test candidates on desired topics.

Note : Adding sub categories is optional.

Before Author can start entering questions in the database new categories (topics) must be entered. Each exam must have at least one category (topic).

To Add/Edit the category (topic) click on the "Category" button in "Author/Question Type" screen.

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1. Add new Category: To add a new category enter the category name under "Add New Category" section and Click on "Add" button.

Categories and subcategories can be added by entering their names in the provided field. You can also specify the maximum, pass, and must pass values for each category and subcategory.

Name : In this field, type the name of the category/subcategory.

Max Score : (optional) Set the maximum score that can be obtained in this category when the candidate takes the exam using this field.

Pass Score : (optional) Set the passing score that must be obtained by the candidate taking an exam in order for this category to be considered passed in this field.

Must Pass : (optional) If this category must be passed in order to consider the overall result as passed, check this box.

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2. Edit an existing category: List of all the existing categories is provided under "Edit Category" section, select the category you want to edit from "Existing Category" list, then enter the edited name in "Edit Category" field, enter any changes required in max score or pass score of this category and click "Edit".

3. Delete category: List of all the existing categories is provided under "Edit Category" section, select the category you want to delete from "Existing Category" list, then click "Delete" button to remove the category.

4. Add new sub category: To add a new sub category select a main category name under "Add Sub Category" section enter the name for sub category, enter max score, pass score values if required, select must pass if this categories must be passed to consider overall result as pass and click on "Add" button.

5. Edit an existing sub category: Under "Edit Sub Category" section select the main category name from the ist of all the existing categories, then select the sub category you want to edit from "Select Sub Category" list, then enter the edited name in "Edit Category" field, enter any changes required in max score or pass score of this category and click "Edit".


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