This feature is used to enter questions into the database.
To New question slelect the question type you would like to insert and click "Add New/Insert" button in "Author/Question Type" screen.
Currently LearnSoft supports Multiple Choice Single Answer (MCSA) and Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Answer (MCMA) question types with many features as listed below:
Question and answer options can be entered as
Plain Text
Rich text format using HTML editor
PDF file.
Each question can have
Exhibit images.
Audio/Video file for question part.
Audio/Video part for the explanation part.
PDF file as explanation.
Based on the question type selected a form to enter question details will be shown. A screen shot of MCSA (Multiple choice single answer) question type is given below.
Various options are explanined below as numbered in figure above:
Main question must be entered in "Question" area.
Each answer option must be entered as a choice and check box next to each choice must be checked if it is a correct answer for this question.
Difficulty level of the question must be select from "Beginner/Intermediate/Expert".
This field shows the score/marks assigned to this question for final result calculation.
Question must be assigned to one of the category.
If sub categories are present question must be added to one of the sub categories.
If the question requires a figure to be diaplyed click on "Add Exhibit" and select the image.
If the question requires a Audio/Video in question click on "Add Audio/Video" button next to add Audio/Video to question.
Find button can be used to seach a question based on question id.
If the question explanantion requires a Audio/Video in question click on "Add Audio/Video" button next to add Audio/Video to explanation.
Provide an explanation for the question.
Click on "Save" button to save the question.
Previous and Next buttons can be used to navigate to other questions.
A screen shot of HTML question type is given below.
This question type can be added as MCSA or MCMA which can be selected from "Select Question" drop down.
To open the HTML editor to enter the question, answer and explanation for the question click on the respective text boxes provided. Enter the question in editor as shown below and click on "Save & Close" to exit the editor.
All the other options are same as MCSA question type explained above.
A screen shot of PDF question type is given below.
This question type can be added as MCSA or MCMA which can be selected from "Select Question" drop down.
To select the question/explanation pdf file click on the respective text box and select the pdf file.
All the other options are same as MCSA question type explained above.
A screen shot of fill in the blanks question type is given below.
Following are the fields in the question entering window:
1. Question : Enter the main question in this field. (Please enter ** [That is two * continuously] in places where you want blank spaces to appear in question)
2. Enter Answer : Click on this button to enter correct answers
4. Difficulty Level : Use this option to select difficulty level for the question to Beginner, Intermediate or Expert. Default value is set to Beginner.
5. Category : Use this option to assign this question to a specific category (topic). By default first category is selected.
6. Score : This field shows the score assigned to this question.
7. Exhibit : This option displays the name of the image file selected by browsing.
8. Explanation : Any explanation for the question can be entered in this field.
To save the question click on "Save" button.
Previous and Next buttons can be used to navigate to other questions and insert new question at specific place in the database.
Close button can be used to exit without saving the question.
A screen shot of text drag and drop question type is given below.
Following are the fields in the question entering window:
1. Question : Enter the main question in this field.
2. Enter : Click on this button to enter number of controls. Two type controls are required :
a. Question controls : Provide the number of options required to be placed on left side for match the following (minimum 3 and maximum 12 controls can be added)
b. Answer Controls : Provide the number of options required to be placed on right side for match the following (minimum 3 and maximum 12 controls can be added)
3. Enter question and answer : For each question and answer option one blank box will be created as shown below
Enter the Question and Answer options (Make sure answer option are entered in correct sequence on the right).
To New question slelect the question type you would like to insert and click "Add New/Insert" button in "Author/Question Type" screen.
Based on the question type selected a form to enter question details will be shown. A screen shot of plain text type question type is given below.
Currently LearnSoft supports Multiple Choice Single Answer (MCSA) and Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Answer (MCMA) question types with many features as listed below:
Question and answer options can be entered as
Plain Text
Rich text format using HTML editor
PDF file.
Based on the question type selected a form to enter question details will be shown. A screen shot of plain text question type is given below.
Various options are explanined below as numbered in figure above:
Main question must be entered in "Question" area.
If the question requires a figure to be diaplyed click on "Add Exhibit" and select the image.
Question must be assigned to one of the category.
If sub categories are present question must be added to one of the sub categories.
Find button can be used to seach a question based on question id.
Click on "Save" button to save the question. Previous and Next buttons can be used to navigate to other questions.