Web Designing Services Frequently Asked Questions

Web site design FAQ General

Web site design FAQ Technical


1. How long does it normally take to build and host a web site?

It normally takes less than 14 days to build a web site. Hosting requires a domain name, that can be purchased for as little as US$8.85 per year. Website design together with hosting takes less than two weeks, and for web sites where lot of interactivity is to be built in, it may take about 4 weeks.

2. If I already have a site can you help me improve it?

Yes. We can redesign or add content to an existing site, and costs less money than building one from scratch.

3. Can you use my company's existing logo, brochure design, and other materials for my website?

Yes, we can certainly use your existing company literature such as logos', brochure, etc. for incorporating in the new web site.

4. Do my business need to have a computer etc. to host or maintain a web site?

Not necessarily. You can hire web site design and hosting services. All you need to an Internet connection through your local ISP. e-mail contact is almost a necessity for hosting or maintaining a web site.

5. What are the things that you expect from my company to complete the web site design?

Brochures, logos, photographs, product descriptions, business cards etc. are all recommended resources to use. For new businesses we will help you get started from scratch. A dedicated person will answer any questions during your website project.

6. Is there any maintenance required after designing and hosting a web site?

Depending on the business, some amount of maintenance would be required. As your business evolves, it may require some things to be added, deleted, or modified. If there is no much change in the business from time to time, the maintenance will also be minimal.


1. How is a web page different from a MS word or text document?

HTML (Short for HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to create web pages. A web page may contain text, graphics, audio or even video. A web page may link to other web pages or files by using hyperlinks. One big benefit of a HTML is that the language is understood by any computer with a browser, and Internet connectivity irrespective of the Operating System used.

2. Do I need to know HTML to design a simple web site?

No. It is not necessary to know HTML to design a simple web site. You can use GUI (Graphical User Interface) editors such as FrontPage, Netscape composer, or Mozilla to create a web page. Though one need not know HTML to design a web page, knowledge of HTML is desirable to optimize the web page. By knowing HTML, you can fine tune the web page so that the users will have better experience.

3. What is JavaScript? Is it required to develop a web page?

Not necessarily. Scripts are used to execute special code either on the browser or on the web server. A script such as JavaScript or VBScript that runs on the browser is called client side script. A script such as CGI or PHP that runs on the server side is called server side script. For example, if you want a feed-back form to be incorporated into a web page, you may need to resort to scripts. Basically, scripts introduce functionality into a web page. Some examples where scripts are used: Discussion forums, web page counters, feed-back forms etc. If you are considering any interactivity with the web page visitor, you may need to consider using a script.

4. Which script is better? Server side or client side?

The advantage of client side scripting is that the server is relieved of executing the script, thus saving valuable processor time and RAM. On the other hand, there is less protection to the script on the client side. Script on the server can be protected using passwords, whereas the script on the client side is open to anyone. Server side scripting is recommended if you need a tight control on the program code, better functionality, and security.

5. Give me examples of server side scripts, and client side scripts.

CGI, PERL, ASP, and PHP are examples of server side scripts. JavaScript, and VBScript are the examples of client side scripts. Note that scripts are interpreted languages, and differ from programming languages such a Java or C++. The later are compiled before being executed.

6. Is there any optimization of a web page required for compatibility with different browsers?

Yes, it is recommended to optimize your web site with respect to various browsers, and also to check for any syntax errors. A few resources that checking a web site compatibility and syntax are:


W3C HTML checker