Web site design portfolio

Some of the web sites that we have designed and promoted are given below:

1. RFDesign.info

rfdesign.info website

Description: Offers RF design news and directory based product and software catalog.

Features: Dynamic product listing, admin control, advertisement space management.

Technologies used for site development: HTML, PHP, MySQL, SSI, CGI scripts.

2. b2b-conferences.com

b2b conference website

Description: The website is an example of total solution for businesses that offer conferences in high tech areas such as telecoms, and pharmaceuticals.

Features: Visitor registration, sponsor publicity, details of future and past events and others.

Technologies used for site development: PHP, MySQL, Fireworks, JavaScript, Image Editors.

3. Tutorialsweb.com

tutorialsweb.com website

Description: Offers online tutorials in various technology areas.

Features: Online tutorials, Search, and easy navigation.

Technologies used for site development: HTML, JavaScript, SSI, Image editor, CGI scripts.

4. CertExams.com

certxams.com website

Description: Offers online exams with member login and multilevel administration.

Features: Online exams, member area, shopping cart, administrator control panel.

Technologies used for site development: JavaScript, CGI, PHP, MySQL, Image Editor and composer.

5. PracticeTests.info

practicetests.info website

Description: A directory style web site offering a comparative study of leading certification practice test vendors.

Technologies used for site development: HTML, JavaScript, Imaging software.

6. RFCables.org

rfcables.org website

Description: Offers articles, independent news, and product reviews on rf, and optical cables.

Features: Dynamic product listing, admin control, advertisement space management.

Technologies used for site development: HTML, PHP, MySQL, SSI, CGI scripts.

We also undertake web site re-design and search engine promotion. Please contact us for details.

Note: Anandsoft.com assumes no responsibility for external links.