Web design and Promotion - Web Dependency Table, Web Design Tips, Web Usability

Brief overview of the articles is given below:

SE Dependency Table: Major search engines and the portals powered by them are provided in the article. More...

Web Promotion Guide: The guide provides a step by step way of promoting a web site to search engines and directories. Please note that these are the opinions of the authors and is not based on anyscientifically proven data...More...

Web Page Design Tips:

1. Frames:Avoid frames. Though search engines have limited ability to crawl framesets, they have the following disadvantages:

1.1 Not all search engines have the ability to crawl and index pages using framesets.

1.2 Google discourages using frames, and as per Google frames tend to cause problems with search engines. If you use frames, use NOFRAMES tag to include no frames version of the content. Don't just write "This page requires frames compatible browser, your browser does not support frames". ..More...

Web Usability: Website usability (also called accessibility) is an important feature that needs to be addressed while designing a website. Even websites that have already been operational benefit from adhering to good usability standards. .. More...