Search Engine News
SEO is not a one-time event. The tactics you used this year may not work for next year because the search engine algorithms changes from time to time. Be patient results may take months, especially if you are newer doing business online. Here are some tips and tactics for web promotion
Don’t do keyword stuffing
These days search engines are sophisticated so there is no need of stuff our content with full of content. If you do so then you are not going to rank well, especially if the content falls within the 300 - 500 word count.
Optimize Your Site Content for Google RankBrain
Google third most important ranking factor is RankBrain algorithm. RankBrain is an artificial intelligence system that helps to analyze what people are searching and how your web page content is suitable for that query to display in SERP results. Let's see how RankBrain algorithm works.
When a user searches for a query in google, then RankBrain turns that query in concepts and display some set of concepts in SERP. If a user is satisfied with your page content then it will uprank that page or else it will try another page for next time. As I said the more you satisfy the user the higher you’ll rank.
Create Great and unique content
You might heard about this phrase "Content is the King". Always write sharable content As you write great content and improve your click-through rate (CTR) then RankBrain tell the google that "Hey Google people love this result so let's boost up this page rank so that user can find it easier". This is why optimizing your content is important.
Steal your Competitors Best Keywords
Finding your competitors keywords is a good move. Use tools like spyfu and to find your competitors keywords. Use the same keywords to create great content. You can do it in two ways
Enter a random keyword into a tool
Find the exact keyword what your competitors are already for.
Of course, you may find some unwanted keywords that don't suit your business just ignore them.
Link to High Authority sites
Here is what HillTop algorithm says when you enter a keyword in google hilltop algorithm helps in finding relevant keywords whose information are more informative about the query. Hilltop is essentially an on-page SEO signal way that tells Google whether or not a page is a "hub" of information. Hubs are determined by the quality and relevancy of that page’s outbound links. The pages that link to helpful resources also tend to be higher-quality than pages that only link to their own stuff.
Use your keywords as anchor text when linking internally.
Anchor text helps tells spiders what the linked-to page is about. Links that say “click here†do nothing for your search engine visibility.
Make SEO-friendly URLs.
Use keywords in your URLs and file names, Don’t overdo it, though. A file with 3+ hyphens tends to look spammy and users may be hesitant to click on it.Use hyphens in URLs and file names not underscore. Hyphens are treated as a "space", while underscores are not.
Embed Long Tail Keywords In Title Tags
This is the one place on a webpage where your keywords MUST be present. Correct use of keywords in the title of every page of your website is extremely important to Google -, particularly for the homepage. If you do nothing else to optimize your site, remember to do this!
Optimized Anchor Tag
The Anchor Title plays a very important role and is seen by most of the search engines. The anchor title should have appropriate keywords. You should try to use the best keywords in your anchor text.
Google especially, love blogs for the fresh content and highly-structured data. 84% of people have purchased a product after reading about it on a blog. 46% of those people were just starting to research product options.
-By Giri.M
Contact: info[at]