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As part of Google's mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful, Goolge is testing an email service called Gmail.
Gmail is a free, search-based webmail service that includes 1,000 megabytes (1 gigabyte) of storage.
Powerful Google search features that quickly recalls any message an account owner has ever sent or received. That means there's no need to file messages in order to find them again.
When Gmail displays an email, it automatically shows all the replies to that email as well, so users can view a message in the context of a conversation.
There are no pop-ups or banner ads in Gmail, which places relevant text ads and links to related web pages adjacent to email messages.
With 1000MB of storage space, it is very likely that one doesn't have to delete to make room for new messages. This is in sharp contrast to any other existing email services such as yahoo mail and hot mail. Yahoo charges $10 for 100MB space. It is still not known as to how Google is offering such a massive email storage space. The registration is likely to start very shortly. Will gmail replace other traditional email services like hotmail and yahoo mail?
When you sign up for Gmail account one can access the other services offered by Google like Google Drive, Google photos and many others. Google is giving up to 15GB of storage limit which is shared between Google Drive, Google Photos and others. Once you reached the limit you can purchase the additional storage or reduce the limit.
The sectors like Education, Business, Enterprises can buy unlimited storage (5 or more users) or 1TB of storage (4 or more users). Once the user reaches the limit he is unable to send or receive mails. Specifically, anyone sending email to a user whose Inbox is out of storage receives a bounce 452-4.2.2 message stating "The email account that you tried to reach is over quota."
Email sending limit:
Google limits the number of emails sending per user can send per day and the number of recipients per message. An user can send up to 2000 (500 for trail accounts) per day and can add 2000 (500 for trail accounts) recipients per message. After reaching one of these limits, a user can't send new messages for up to 24 hours.
If your users exceed an email sending limit, they’ll see an error message, such as:
You have reached a limit for sending email.
You reached a Gmail sending limit.
You exceeded the maximum recipients.
Email Receving limit:
Google limits the number of email messages users can receive per minute, hour, and day. User can receive 60 message mails per minute, 3600 per hour, 86,400 per day and size limit is up to 50MB per message. Once your Email receiving limit is reached then you can’t get the emails on the day and all the emails will be bounced back to sender.
Google, and gmail are trademarks of Google Inc., and duly acknowledged.
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