Google Announces Site diversity Update On June 6th

On June 6th Google SearchLiaison announced a “change” that will be reducing multiple site listing in SERP. This is called “Site diversity change”. This update is intended to not to show more than two search results from the same domains. Google users (searchers) along with SEO’s complained that Google is listing the results 4-5 from the same domains of the top 10 results. So Google focused not to show more than two pages from the same website.

Here is the original tweet

“Have you ever done a search and gotten many listings all from the same site in the top results? We’ve heard your feedback about this and wanting more variety. A new change now launching in Google Search is designed to provide more site diversity in our results….

This site diversity change means that you usually won’t see more than two listings from the same site in our top results. However, we may still show more than two in cases where our systems determine it’s especially relevant to do so for a particular search….

Site diversity will generally treat subdomains as part of a root domain. IE: listings from subdomains and the root domain will all be considered from the same single site. However, subdomains are treated as separate sites for diversity purposes when deemed relevant to do so…

Finally, the site diversity launch is separate from the June 2019 Core Update that began this week. These are two different, unconnected releases.”

He said that this launch is separate from the June 2019 core update which was released on the same week. It is just change to SERP, It’s not a change to how Google ranks the website