1. What is a Virtual Private Network?
2. How a VPN differs fron and ordinary Internet connection?
3. How a VPN differs from an Intranet using leased line connection?
1.What is a Virtual Private Network?
A VPN is a network that is constructed by using public Internet (or any other public media) to connect systems (also called as nodes) for transporting data. These systems use encryption and other security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the network and that the data cannot be intercepted.
2. How a VPN differs from an ordinary Internet connection?
VPN typically uses Internet and allow only valid remote user to access the Corporate network whereas an ordinary Internet connection can only be used to access public services such as web service and email service.
A VPN secures the data through encryption as the data is transported over the public Internet. An ordinary Internet access normally doesn't involve any encryption.
The central office typically requires a Remote Access Server (RAS) to login to the Corporate network.
3.How a VPN differs from an Intranet using leased line connection?
An Intranet using WAN connection requires a leased line connection where as a VPN uses Internet as medium. Normally, leased lines are more expensive compared to Internet access.
4.Benefits of VPNs
Cost Savings - VPNs enable organizations to utilize third-party Internet medium to connect remote offices or users to the main corporate site, thus eliminating expensive dedicated WAN links. Cost-effective, high-bandwidth technologies like DSL improve the connection bandwidth while reducing the connectivity costs.
Security: VPNs provide the desired level of security using advanced encryption and authentication protocols protecting the data from unauthorized access.
Scalability: VPNs enable corporations to utilize Internet infrastructure with the ISPs and allow for the easy addition of new users. Therefore, organizations can add large amounts of capacity without adding significant infrastructure.
Mobile Connectivity: VPNs allow mobile Corporate employees such as sales and service people to access the head quarters with ease by using high speed broadband connections through local ISPs.