LAAS Exam Engine For Android - Exam Screen

Exam Screen : Once the candidate has logged in using email id and pasword they will be presented with exam screen as shown below.

Add test module screen 1

Exam screen will display candidate details like candidate name, roll number, exam name, date and time. Candidates can also enter exam center name/id if provided by the examiner.

Start Exam : This button when tapped will show the question paper and start the exam timer based on the exam duration.

Exam screen 1

If the examiner has set screen recording feature on in exam configuration all activities on computer screen will be recorded for entire exam duration.

Browse Answersheet & Submit : This button can be used by candidates to browse the scanned pdf answer sheet and upload it for correction.

Exam screen 1

Once the candidate has finished writing the exam they need to scan the answer paper using some free document scanning applications and keep answersheet in pdf format ready.

Exam screen 1