CertExams.com Updates Juniper® NetSim for JNCIA®

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CertExams.com recently updated its Juniper Network Simulator with Designer for JUNOS(TM) to include the following features:

  1. It is now possible for the users to:
    1. Bookmark the labs for reviewing later
    2. Color coding completed lab exercises, labs under progress, and labs yet to be attempted
  2. Progress bar: A progress bar indicates the extent of lab that has been completed, and what’s remaining. It indicates when the lab is successfully completed.
  3. A few bugs have been fixed

Download the software here:


Disclamer: CertExams.com is not associated with Juniper Systems. Juniper, JUNOS are the trademarks of Juniper Systems and duly acknowledged.

Juniper Junos NetSim Revised!

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CertExams.com has recently updated Juniper JUNOS Network Simulator. Several new features have been added that include the following:

Support for Juniper Swiches – For the first time, Juniper switches have been added to the netsim. Now on, users will be able to configure routers as well as switches using the software. It is now possible to design a Juniper network using routers as well as switches.

Lab Exercises – Several Lab Exercises have been added to include Juniper switches and routers. This provides good hands-on practice for beginners.

New Commands – New commands included for switches and routers. Switch commands for VLANs, VTPs, and others added.

Please view the product page on Juniper JUNOS Network Simulator

You can download the Juniper JUNOS Simulator