Root DNS Servers

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anand softwareIn the Domain Name System (DNS), root DNS servers are a critical part of the infrastructure that translates domain names into IP addresses.

DNS is used to resolve domain names, such as, into IP addresses that computers can use to communicate with servers over the internet. When a computer needs to resolve a domain name, it first sends a query to its local DNS resolver. If the resolver does not have the IP address in its cache, it sends a request to a root DNS server to start the resolution process.

The root DNS servers are a set of 13 servers that are located in various locations around the world. These servers contain the master list of all top-level domain (TLD) names, such as .com, .org, .net, and so on. When a request is sent to a root DNS server, it returns the IP address of the authoritative DNS server for the TLD in the domain name being queried.

Once the authoritative DNS server for the TLD is identified, the local DNS resolver can send a query to that server to resolve the specific domain name. The authoritative DNS server then returns the IP address for the domain name, which the local DNS resolver caches and returns to the requesting computer.

Checkout the video on root DNS servers,